INCIDENT: PAN PAN for unknown medical call.
At 1520 RCMSAR 64 was paged for medical assistance. Crew departed 11 mins after the call.
Fishing vessel had a crew member in need of immediate medical assistance.
Approximately 20 nautical miles away at Squataree our Falkins class vessel arrived in about 30 minutes. Person was already being attended by CCG Prince Rupert crew (they arrived on their open vessel Hurricane Zodiac 753).
CCG crew and RCM SAR crew worked together to load up the stretcher into our vessel. We nosed in our boat into the fishing boat due to 4-5 foot waves and 25 knot winds on scene. Patient was transfered thru forward bow door into our warm cabin.
Quick transfer back to Prince Rupert and patient was handed off to waiting ambulance.
Fantastic inter-agency collaboration from CCG, RCM-SAR and BC Ambulance to assist patient in need.