The Semiahmoo Peninsula Marine Rescue Society

Volunteer Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue crews are available 24/7 365 days a year, saving lives at sea. SPMRS is a registered, non-profit, charitable society formed to raise funding so this can continue to happen. The Unit 5 station covers the local waters off Surrey, White Rock & Crescent Beach as well as neighbouring waterfront communities. Volunteer marine search and rescue crews train on the water every week. Constant training is required to keep the teams sharp and ready to respond safely in all conditions.


How can you help?

We need your donations, contribute services, supplies or prizes and silent auction items for our fundraising events.

Extensive training takes a constant toll on the boats and the safety equipment of the crews. The Society fund raising events ensures that vessel maintenance, upgrading and replacement of equipment is paid for.

We deliver local boating safety educational programs. Replenishing boating safety supplies and educational materials to educate boaters, swimmers, beach goers, hunters and fishermen, to reduce the number of potential emergencies.
Funds for all vessels and equipment, as well as crew training courses and daily operating costs must be raised by the Society withh the assistance of unit members. RCMSAR stations receive only minimal reimbursement from the government for training, fuel expenses, and emergency responses. We are fortunate to have received grants from BC Gaming.

We are looking for Society Members, individuals who have a passion to help out as fundraising organizers and event operators!  It would involve monthly meetings, organization of events and community fundraising efforts.  Community connections as well as skills in marketing, fundraising, business and law are a great asset.

Contact Us

Box 45583 2397 King George Highway,Surrey, BC V4A 9N3
Tel: 604 604-862-5848    email

Support Friends of Vigilant, the businesses and organizations that contribute generously to the success of our Search and Rescue fundraising events!